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Hal itu kemudian melaporkan bahwa Microsoft sedang mengerjakan pembaruan untuk Windows 8 dengan nama kode Threshold , dan itu berspekulasi Threshold yang akan dicap sebagai “Windows 9”, “Windows X”, atau “Windows One” mengacu pada beberapa produk Microsoft baru-baru ini dengan merek yang sama, seperti Xbox One dan OneDrive pada rilis publik. Pada bulan Juli , CEO baru Microsoft Satya Nadella menjelaskan bahwa perusahaan berencana untuk “merampingkan versi berikutnya dari Windows dari tiga sistem operasi ke dalam satu sistem operasi konvergensi tunggal untuk layar dari semua ukuran”, menyatukan Windows, Windows Phone , dan Windows Embedded sekitar arsitektur yang umum dan ekosistem aplikasi terpadu.

Namun, Nadella menyatakan bahwa perubahan-perubahan internal yang tidak akan memiliki efek pada bagaimana sistem operasi yang dipasarkan dan dijual. Tangkapan layar dari build Windows yang diakui menjadi Threshold yang bocor pada bulan Juli , mengungkapkan menu Mulai disajikan sebelumnya dan aplikasi berjendela, bersama dengan sistem desktop maya baru, pusat pemberitahuan, dan, ikon sistem datar yang baru yang terinspirasi oleh bahasa desain Metro menggantikan ikon sistem yang pertama kali diperkenalkan pada Windows Vista.

Threshold secara resmi diperkenalkan selama acara media pada tanggal 30 September dengan nama Windows 10 ; Myerson disebut-sebut bahwa Windows 10 akan menjadi “platform yang paling komprehensif yang pernah ada” Microsoft, menyediakan tunggal, platform yang bersatu untuk komputer meja , laptop , tablet , telepon cerdas , dan perangkat all-in-one. Dalam hal penamaan sistem operasi, Myerson menolak untuk menguraikan mengapa Microsoft melewatkan langsung ke Windows 10 dari 8 bukannya penomoran angka 9, hanya menyatakan bahwa “berdasarkan produk yang datang, dan betapa berbedanya pendekatan kami akan keseluruhan, itu akan tidak benar”.

Ia juga bercanda bahwa mereka tidak bisa menyebutnya “Windows One” karena mereka sudah membuat Windows 1. Teori ini didukung oleh penemuan kode pada repositori publik menunjukkan perilaku ini. Windows 10 akan tersedia dalam empat edisi utama untuk komputer meja , laptop , dan tablet ; Windows 10 Home ditujukan untuk perangkat PC biasa dan memberikan fitur tingkat-konsumen; Windows 10 Pro menambahkan fitur tambahan yang ditujukan untuk pengguna mahir dan lingkungan bisnis skala kecil dan menengah; Windows 10 Enterprise berisi fitur tambahan yang ditujukan terhadap lingkungan bisnis skala menengah dan besar; sementara Windows 10 Education merupakan versi yang mirip dengan Enterprise yang akan didistribusikan ke sekolah, kampus, dan universitas melalui program lisensi akademi Microsoft.

Edisi Windows 10 untuk perangkat bergerak dan benam , yaitu:. Pada tanggal 1 Oktober , Microsoft memperkenalkan program Windows Insider baru tempat peserta menerima pemutakhiran build pra-rilis Windows 10 dalam cara “rilis cepat”, yang memungkinkan perusahaan untuk mengumpulkan umpan balik tambahan selama proses pengembangan.

Build pratayang teknis ini terutama ditujukan untuk pengujian oleh perusahaan dan pengguna antusias, dan mengumpulkan umpan balik dari para pengguna.

Sebelumnya, proses dogfooding ini terjadi secara pribadi antara rilis beta publik. Rincian lebih lanjut seputar Windows 10, termasuk fitur berorientasi konsumen, akan diresmikan pada peristiwa masa depan seperti Build di musim semi. Windows 10 diharapkan akan dirilis pada tahun Microsoft belum merilis rincian tentang bagaimana Windows 10 akan didistribusikan, atau apakah Windows 10 akan diperlakukan sebagai pembaruan gratis seperti Windows 8.

Merilis Windows 10 sebagai pembaruan gratis akan menempatkan Microsoft lebih dekat sesuai dengan praktik pembaruan dari sistem operasi telepon genggam , bersama dengan OS X , yang, dimulai pada versi Sejak Windows 8 dirilis, Microsoft mulai kembali menyelaraskan model bisnis konsumen untuk Windows sekitar membangun basis pengguna untuk layanan daring dan bursa aplikasi, bukan penjualan sistem operasi lisensi: awal tahun, Microsoft mulai menawarkan lisensi OEM gratis untuk Windows 8 pada perangkat dengan layar di bawah 9 inci di ukuran.

Antarmuka pengguna Windows 10 dirancang terutama untuk mengoptimalkan pengalaman berdasarkan jenis perangkat dan tersedia input, memberikan “pengalaman yang tepat pada perangkat yang tepat pada waktu yang tepat.

Juga, beberapa ikon seperti ikon file explorer telah diberikan ikon datar baru, untuk mencocokkan dengan Metro UI. Microsoft mungkin akan mengubah semua ikon yang cocok satu sama lain. Aplikasi Bursa Windows, yang sebelumnya hanya dapat digunakan dalam lingkungan layar penuh, sekarang dapat digunakan dalam jendela pada desktop. Layar Mulai masih digunakan dalam lingkungan sentuh, tetapi sekarang berisi kolom di sisi kiri layar untuk menampilkan cara pintas dan tombol “Semua aplikasi”, mirip dengan menu Mulai.

Windows 10 akan memakai versi terbaru dari DirectX, yaitu DirectX 12 ; [32] diperkenalkan pada awal tahun di acara GDC , bertujuan untuk menyediakan ” konsol -tingkat efisiensi” dengan “mendekati logam” akses ke sumber daya perangkat keras, dan mengurangi CPU dan pemacu grafis overhead.

Windows 10 akan dilayani dengan cara yang berbeda untuk rilis sebelumnya dari Windows. Secara default, Windows 10 akan menerima pembaruan kritis dan patch keamanan seperti mereka dilepaskan, tetapi sistem administrator dan pengguna akan memiliki kemampuan untuk menunda penggunaan non-kritis pembaruan otomatis atau menonaktifkan mereka sepenuhnya. Sistem akan memungkinkan komputer utama untuk sering menerima perbaikan sistem operasi, sementara lingkungan perusahaan akan mampu keluar dari mereka untuk memastikan lingkungan yang stabil dan dikendalikan.

Aplikasi ini berfungsi sebagai antivirus untuk mencegah program atau file berbahaya saat akan disimpan ke perangkat komputer dan bisa diaktifkan atau dinonaktifkan oleh pengguna. Build Pratayang Teknis publik pertama diberi nomor 6. Komunitas Warung Kopi Portal komunitas Bantuan. Dalam proyek lain Wikimedia Commons. Bahasa Di Wikipedia ini, pranala bahasa terletak di bagian atas halaman di sebelah judul artikel.

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Review: 6 top videoconferencing services put to the test. Windows 10 version 21H1: Key enterprise features. The ins and outs of data recovery in Windows What’s in the latest Chrome update? Faster phishing site warnings, more Actions. A chain salon I go has an online booking system. You login, you check the time then you book the stylist. The touchscreen of the cashier in the salon shows a web page using IE, you touch-screen-enter your ID, dump all your coins and notes into the cashier in 1 go, then it spit out the changes, updates your account.

Hospitals still use XP. I was at one today and noticed this on one of their PCs. Hospitals hold onto technology longer than other fields, they are not a good indicator that something isn’t legacy! Posted via the Windows Central App for Android. I still use it for browsing. IE is faster at rendering a usable page. Must be old Citrix if you don’t have receiver setup?

So much faster and easier to use it from the taskbar. Never tried that. Not sure if that would work for me. I do contract work for a company and need to connect to their site using Citrix address. So they have control over how it’s set up and what not. Where do I find what you’re talking about?

Need 1password and lastpass plugins. There’s a lastpass plugin for edge. Don’t know about 1password though. Yeah I need unity 3d support. It’s called Edge.

Plugins are being phased out of every browser and extensions are coming to Edge later this year. More like next week lol. Cryio is exactly right. Edge renders a page exactly how Google, Firefox, and Safari do. IE is used solely for web apps that need those extensions. I am a bit torn between the positive and negative things extensions bring to a [popular] web browser. This is because the “standard web browser” in an OS is going to be attacked a lot more than other web browsers in terms of security if the user base of Windows 10 continues to climb in the rate it is doing right now.

This means that novice users who look for the “e” symbol in Windows is the kind of person who might say “Yes” to every dialog window that pops up when they use their computer. This means that malicious web browser extensions will get installed. The question is only when we are going to see this in the news and how it will impact Microsoft’s reputation in the eyes of the general public.

Of course, you do want to attract the power users who today use Chrome and Firefox and make them permanently switch to using Edge. At the same time, the novice users should be protected per default from installing the malicious extensions that will indeed be created at some point, given enough user base of the browser.

I have seen this behaviour in users already, novices who use Google Chrome and accept every “Yes” dialog, regardless of the content. It’s the same kind of people who download the “free” freeware software from popular download pages on the web and automatically click yes to installing the bundle of extras, as well as accepting to change the default search engine setting from Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo or something else, to using an adware-infected search engine instead.

So, what is the best way to keep everyone happy, then? Perhaps Edge should make sure all extensions are off by default and requires an admin password to activate the first time you want to enable extensions.

Also make sure all extensions are approved by Microsoft and signed with security certificates. Right now, Edge is supposed to be encapsulated in a sandbox environment I think? In the end, I don’t know. It is not easy to make everyone happy. Most people want ease of use, functionality and security, but getting all three perfect is tricky. I’m sure they’ll have a GPO for edge extensions. Edge has plugin support. Devs just have to port their plugins to edge.

Email them and ask them to do so. They definitely need too add Citrix support sooner than later so I can say adios to Chrome and Internet Explorer. I’m confused with what you mean by citrix support. My company uses citrix heavily and as long as you have the latest receiver app which is a free download from citrix.

I use the citrix receiver modern app. It works fine for me. Unfortunately , true. You can use Citrix with Edge, not need for extensions. Google it. Or use Firefox, Chrome or similar. There are very few reasons you need to still be using Internet Explorer. Many IT departments still enforce it though as they know how to manage it and assume it’ll work with more sites than Edge when the opposite is the case.

You can also launch Edge on a website and there’s an option in the menu at the top right corner. Mine never went anywhere, but I find myself using edge now a lot more. Adblock Plus do I need to say more? Change your Hosts file to filter the garbage. Works great. Where can I find more info on how to do this?

Here you go, simple and easy trick that works great! This will block ads on system level. Even block ads from Windows 10 apps. Thank you so much, you just changed my life!! Should be a story in itself. Thanks for the assistance! I’ve also liked this strategy, but found that it crippled specific apps such as the ones from the broadcast TV networks. When it hit a scheduled commercial break, it would just throw an error message. Toggling between two hosts files was effective but a bit tedious.

As an alternative, I’ve also used a local web proxy bfilter was the name I think but I haven’t used that since Win7 so this isn’t an endorsement so much. Something like that can be easier to toggle, and had options to replace ads with placeholder graphics, but only applied to http protocol.

I’m tempted now to try that out again. Works great except some of the ad block hosts include comment forms. I couldn’t comment on blizzwatch due to a site they included. Yes I need to know how to do this as well. Internet Explorer actually can be found in All Apps.

It’s just located in the Windows Accessories folder :. I was just about to say It’s always been listed there since XP. No necessary. Sometimes you need to enable it from Windows features first.

Nailed it in the Start menu. Edge still needs a few features but if they update it quick then I can see it become my main browser. Extensions are coming soon. Do people actually use jumplists? Not all users but yes. I use them all the time, for most of my programs.

Most of my work is begins by righ-clicking on them and opening recent files I’ve worked on. It’s fast and convenient. It was one of the main reasons I switched the default browser from Edge to IE other reasons include my dislike for the UI–tabs on top instead of on the same row as the URL bar–and the fact that it always opened up on the wrong monitor, in the wrong size, and it was too clumsy to move around [because of tabs on top] and resize.

I find IE to be much cleaner with a more intuitive UI. The only thing I miss about Edge is Reading Mode and dark theme, honestly. Needed it for Skysports as it uses silverlight. Sky identified Edge as Google chrome and stated it is no longer supported. Same, that would have been a deal breaker if it was gone. Edge isn’t Finished yet. It still needs a lot of work,. Edge just needs time to mature the same way IE did with all the updates and fixes provided over the years.

Right now its too early and i dont think it’s ready to replace any previous browser just yet. I really don’t need it ; Edge and Chrome do the work for me. That was happening to me as well, but my bank began supporting Microsoft Edge a few days later. Just keep checking until your bank supports it.

I’ve just lost you at Chrome.. Still using Chrome? Are you serious? I never use Edge. When the extensions I need are supported Roboform, for example , I’ll reconsider. Everyday I use Lastpass. If Microsoft wants us to use this as our main browser, they need to allow plug-ins.

Am i the only one who uses edge because there are no ads???? Ummm, unless you have done some trickery like editing host files: Edge will very prominently display ads. The most painful thing for me was actually being able to go back and forward with just a swipe, instead of hitting the buttons. Hope that comes back. That stings too. Definitely one of my many grievances with Edge vs.

Metro IE. You can click send “Do Not Track Requests”. It’s only that: A request, and websites are under no obligation to follow it. Stuff like TrackingProtection or in the case of browsers with extensions and AdBlock keep cookies from being able to track you. It’s not an opt-in type thing, it’s not a request, it blocks such tracking whether the tracking service likes it or not.

I mean, there are still other ways and methods that companies have to stalk you on the ‘net, but TrackingProtection was built in, easy to use, and made it a lot more difficult. Oh, and stuff like TrackingProtection and AdBlock also disable and hide ads, making your browsing quicker and less annoying. Do Not Track does no such thing. Type ie in Cortana search or when using the edge browser, click the elipsis go down to open in internet explorer. Can you get the metro version of internet explorer back?

Edge sucks when youre using touch. I actually run two full screen metro IE for watching two games at the same time. Full screen browsing Especially in Snap mode was a dream back on 8.

I miss it terribly. I don’t think Microsoft even considered this Metro version. I think they were only concerned with users with Windows 7. Since most Windows 7 users didn’t have touch screens then they wouldn’t know what they were missing. To me the Metro version of IE is the best version they have. That’s why I don’t plan on updating any of my Windows 8. I will my W7 computer I like 8.

Especially the Start Screen. I don’t want to feel like I’m going backwards. The Start Screen is new and innovative. If you upgrade, you’ll love it. I disagree. The Metro IE was much better for all but a couple of things. I hate what Windows 10 has done to navigation and mouse use. Agree, hopefully they’ll update Edge when Win 10 mobile arrives, maybe they’re working on a touch metro version that will come alongside the mobile launch. Well, being a better if slower browser experience than Edge 1.

I would say most people will need this tip. My wife still uses IE because of lastpass. Edge works fine for me in tablet mode – what is the problem that people wnat metro IE back for? Metro IE was still far better optimized for touch.



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