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In contrast, AFC is focused on future readiness [11] for competition with near-peers, who have updated their capabilities. Overmatch of the capability of a competitor or adversary is one of the goals of AFC. Продолжение здесь specifically, the imposition of multiple simultaneous dilemmas upon a competitor or adversary is a goal of the US Army: to get into a position of relative advantage.

Army Futures Command was activated in the summer of AFC declared its full operational capability in July[18] [19] after an initial one-year period. From an initial 12 people at its headquarters init grew to 24, across 25 states and 15 countries in That is the purpose of this command. A balance is needed in order for a CFT in order to produce a realizable concept before a competitor achieves it. Modernization reform is the priority for AFC, in order to achieve readiness for the future.

Each CFT источник is mentored by a 4-star general. A Government Accountability Office GAO report [66] cautions that lessons learned from the CFT pilot [56] are yet to be applied; Holland notes that this organizational critique applies to prototyping hardware, a different realm than concept refinement “scientific research is a fundamentally different activity than technology development”.

The Secretaries of the Army, Air Force, and Navy meet regularly to take advantage of overlap in their programs: [74] [75]. AFC is actively seeking partners outside the military, [] including research funding to over colleges and universities, [19] but with one-year program cycles.

You don’t have to come to us. Murray узнать больше stand up an Army Applications Lab [Note 4] there to accelerate acquisition and deployment of materiel to the soldiers, using artificial intelligence AI [] as one acceleration technique; [] Murray will hire a chief technology officer for AFC. Murray, in seeking to globalize AFC, [] has embedded U. Futures Command will stand up Army Software Factory in Augustto immerse Soldiers and Army civilians of all ranks in modern software development, in Austin.

The training program lasts three years, and will produce skill sets for trainees as product managers, user experience and interface designers, software engineers, or platform engineers. Microsoft office 2016 a skills approach simnet code card free seeking information, the Army is especially interested in ideas that accelerate an acquisition program, in for example the Future Vertical Lift Requests for Information RFIs : “provide a detailed description of tailored, alternative or innovative approaches that streamlines the acquisition process to accelerate the program as much as possible”.

The award was delayed by the COVID pandemic, which allowed the company more time for business development. Air-launched effects ALEs are drones which are launched from the Army’s helicopters. ALEs have нажмите чтобы перейти used as munitions, as in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflicts. The CFT balances the constraints needed to realize a prototype, beginning with realizable requirements, science and technology, test, etc.

The emphasis remains with Futures Command, which selects programs to develop. This list is incomplete. The current acquisition system has pieces all throughout the Army.

So really all we’re trying to do is get them all lined up under a single command…. We will finally achieve… unity of command —Secretary Esper. Year over year over year. A good example is Future Vertical Lift : The prototyping has been exceptional. The prototypes are currently for Long range hypersonic weapons, High energy laser defense, and Space, as of June[] [82] [] Speed and range are the Army capabilities which are being augmented, [78] [94] [] [] with spending microsoft office 2016 a skills approach simnet code card free these capabilities tripling between and Although the Army Research Laboratory has not changed its name, Secretary Esper notes that the CCDC objectives supersede the activities of the Laboratory; [54] [43] [44] the Laboratory remains in its support role folder icon windows 10 the top-six priorities for modernizing combat capabilities.

Acquisition specialists are being encouraged to accept lateral transfers to the several research, development and engineering centers RDECswhere their skills are needed: Ground vehicle systems center formerly TARDEC, at Detroit Arsenal.

The following activities for Futures Command are at 23 locations. The ASA Узнать больше здесь Bruce Jette [] has cautioned the acquisition community to ‘call-out’ unrealistic processes which commit a program to a drawn-out failure, [] rather than failing early, and seeking another solution.

Six to eight other pilots are envisioned for However, other enterprise network locations remain to be migrated away from the previous “big bang” migration concept from several years ago, as they are vulnerable to near-peer cyber threats. By February the 37th Vice Chief of Staff could assess that Army modernization was perceptibly speeding up.

Chief Milley noted that AFC would actively reach out into the community in order to learn, [19] and that Senator John McCain ‘s frank criticism of the acquisition process was instrumental for modernization reform at Futures command.

In the Department of Defense, the materiel supply process was underwritten by the acquisition, logistics, and technology directorate of the Office of the Secretary of Defense OSDwith a deputy secretary of defense DSD to oversee five areas, one of them being acquisition, logistics, and technology ALT.

This Life Cycle Management formulated in [] [] was intended to exert the kind of operational control OPCON [53] needed just for the sustainment function AMC’s need for Readiness today[] rather than for its relevance to modernization for the future, which is the focus of AFC. AFC now serves as the посетить страницу источник authority when moving a project in its Life Cycle, out of the Acquisition phase and into the Sustainment phase.

The CFTs, [Note 1] as prioritized 1 through 6 by the Chief of Staff of the Army CSAeach have to consider constraints: a balance of requirements, acquisition, science and technology, test, resourcing, costing, and sustainment. Bruce Jette. Murray announced full operational capability FOC 31 July The Army G8 is monitoring just how producible Milestone C the upcoming materiel will be; for the moment, the G8 is funding the materiel.

Based on Futures Command’s development between July and Decemberby the earliest versions of these weapons will be fielded: []. The kill chains will take less than 1 minute, from detection of the target, to execution of the fires command; [] these operations have the capability to precisely “command centers, air defenses, missile batteries, and logistics centers” nearly simultaneously.

The use of modular protection is a move toward modular functionality for combat vehicles. The project продолжение здесь in The competition will transition microsoft office 2016 a skills approach simnet code card free powertrain, drivetrain and control laws from the previous demonstrators JMR-TDs of — to requirements, conceptual designs, and acquisition approach for the weapon system.

A long range precision munition for the Army’s aircraft will begin its program of design microsoft office 2016 a skills approach simnet code card free development. In the interim, the Army is evaluating the Spike 18 mile range non-line of sight missile on its Boeing AHE Apache attack helicopters.

The United States Army Integrated Battle Command System IBCS is a plug and fight network intended to let any defensive sensor such as a radar feed its data to any available weapon system colloquially, “connect any sensor to any shooter”. By Maya first flight test integrated a networked S engagement operations center [] with radar sensor and interceptor launchers. This test demonstrated a missile kill with the first interceptor. By Army doctrine, two interceptors were launched against that missile.

In September a Joint exercise against cruise missiles demonstrated AI-based kill chains which can be formulated in seconds; One of the kills was by a “Mbased” tracked howitzer [] [] a Paladin descendant. The ranges of the IAMD microsoft office 2016 a skills approach simnet code card free radars, when operated as a system, are thousands of miles.

Cross-domain information from ground, air, and space sensors was passed to a fire control system at Project Convergence Microsoft office 2016 a skills approach simnet code card freevia IBCS, during one of the use case scenarios.

The F then served as a spotter for artillery fire on ground target data. By Augusta second Limited User Test LUT at White Sands Missile Range able to detect, track, and intercept near-simultaneous low-altitude targets as well as a tactical ballistic missile, [] over several separate engagements.

It uses three fixed degree arrays to seamlessly find, discriminate and track fast-approaching threats using a microsoft office 2016 a skills approach simnet code card free protection envelope. Hicks has extensive background in defense modernization; the 28th Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has recused himself from acquisition matters. A contract for the U. Futures Command is formulating multiyear Enterprise campaign plans, in At this stage, one goal is to formulate the plans in simple, coherent language which nests within the national security strategic documents.

AFC faces multiple futures, [] both as threat microsoft office 2016 a skills approach simnet code card free opportunity. The Army’s warfighting directive, viz. Murray functions as the Army’s Chief Investments Officer [] more precisely, its “chief futures modernization investment officer”. AFC’s headquarters is based in Austin, Texas where it spreads across three locations totaling 75, ft 2 ; [] One location is a University of Texas System building at W.

Seventh St. In a hearing before Congress’ House Armed Services Committeethe AFC commander projected that materiel will result from the value stream below, within a two-year time frame, [8] from concept to Soldier. The microsoft office 2016 a skills approach simnet code card free general is assisted by three deputy commanders. John “Mike” Murray Murray was nominated for promotion and appointment as Army Futures Command’s first commanding general.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. US Army command aimed at moderniziation. AFC’s shoulder sleeve insignia [1]. Military unit. This section may contain an excessive number of здесь. Please consider removing references to unnecessary or disreputable sourcesmerging citations where possible, or, if necessary, flagging the content for deletion.

December Learn how and when to remove this template message. Main article: Next Generation Combat Vehicle. Main article: Future Vertical Lift. Burris, Jr. Freedberg Jr.

This article may contain an excessive number of читать далее. September Learn how and when to remove this template message. Army Futures Command”. Retrieved 3 December Austin-American Statesman. Retrieved 18 March Wins Fountain, U.

David G. PerkinsU. US Army Reserve. Retrieved 12 February



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What Is Programming? This document was uploaded by our user. The uploader already confirmed that they had the permission to publish it. Report DMCA. E-Book Overview The rate of change in the digital information age is clearly increasing, and computer literacy is becoming a prerequisite.

The goal of the 28th edition of Computing Essentials is to provide students with an introductory understanding of the concepts necessary for success and to instill an appreciation for the effect of information technology on people, privacy, ethics, and our environment. Today’s students put much effort toward the things that are relevant to them, yet it is sometimes difficult to engage them in other equally important topics like personal privacy and technological advances.

Each chapter highlights a most promising career in ITincluding webmaster, software engineer, and database administratorby presenting job titles, responsibilities, educational requirements, and salary ranges.

Students see the material relate directly to potential career paths. Each chapter describes how its content is relevant to students’ lives today and critical to their future. Each chapter presents practical tips related to key concepts through the demonstration of interesting and relevant applications. Topics presented focus first on outputs rather than processes and then dive into the concepts and processes.

Motivation and relevance are the keys. This text has several features specifically designed to engage and demonstrate the relevance of technology in our lives. These elements are combined with thorough coverage of the concepts and sound pedagogical devices. The text uses graphics to reinforce key concepts and offers unique features and benefits found in few other texts: Making IT Work for You addresses topics and discussion questions that cover issues like online entertainment, gaming, virtual assistants, and the mobile office.

Look to the Future boxes in each chapter have been revised to show that the expected breakthroughs of tomorrow are rooted in today’s advances. Why Should I Read This? Visual summaries review major concepts covered throughout the chapter. Environment marginal boxes cover topics like plagiarism, editing images to promote a message, and the use of monitoring software. Privacy marginal boxes cover topics like protecting personal information on a free Wi-Fi network or disposing of an outdated computer to help students think critically and communicate effectively.

Ethics marginal boxes cover related technologies and topics like proper disposal of older monitors, empty inkjet cartridges, and old computers. Concept Check segments cue students to note which topics have been covered and to self-test their understanding of the material presented. Brief discussions at the close of each chapter address recent technological advancements related to the chapter material. A test bank with more than 2, questions is categorized by level of learning.

Using IT at MoviesOnline, a case study of a fictitious organization, provides an up-close look at what students might find on the job in the real world. Every chapters Look to the Future feature has been revised to show that tomorrow’s expected breakthroughs are rooted in today’s advances. Expanded coverage includes Web 1. Updated and expanded descriptions of programming languages highlight popular choices. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.

Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid-free paper. The Internet addresses listed in the text were accurate at the time of publication. The inclusion of a website does not indicate an endorsement by the authors or McGraw-Hill Education, and McGraw-Hill Education does not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented at these sites.

While the coverage of other topics has not been reduced, this change offers a gateway to demonstrate the relevance of all types of computers to their lives. More specific new coverage includes the following: Chapter 1: Expanded discussion of smartphones and cell phones Chapter 2: Added coverage of Web 4.

In fact, the rate of change is clearly increasing. As we begin the 21st century, computer literacy is undoubtedly becoming a prerequisite in whatever career you choose. The goal of Computing Essentials is to provide you with the basis for understanding the concepts necessary for success.

Computing Essentials also endeavors to instill an appreciation for the effect of information technology on people, privacy, ethics, and our environment and to give you a basis for building the necessary skill set to succeed in the 21st century.

Times are changing, technology is changing, and this text is changing too. As students of today, you are different from those of yesterday. You put much effort toward the things that interest you and the things that are relevant to you. Your efforts directed at learning application programs and exploring the web seem, at times, limitless. Within each chapter, we present practical tips related to key concepts through the demonstration of interesting applications that are relevant to your lives.

Topics presented focus first on outputs rather than processes. Then, we discuss the concepts and processes. This text has several features specifically designed to engage and demonstrate the relevance of technology in your lives. It provides definitions of key terms and solutions to the end-of-chapter material, including multiple-choice and open-ended questions. The PowerPoint slides are designed to provide instructors with a comprehensive resource for lecture use.

The slides include a review of key terms and topics, as well as artwork taken from the text to further explain concepts covered in each chapter. The testbank contains over 2, questions categorized by level of learning definition, concept, and application. This is the same learning scheme that is introduced in the text to provide a valuable testing and reinforcement tool.

Text page references have been provided for all questions, including a level-of-difficulty rating. Page xiii Acknowledgments Page xxiv A special thank-you goes to the professors who took time out of their busy schedules to provide us with the feedback necessary to develop the edition of this text.

In fact, they have been talking about learning for over 25 years. Something in those early conversations convinced them to write a book, to bring their interest in the learning process to the printed page. Dan has taught at the University of California at Santa Cruz, developed energy-related labs at NASA, and worked as a database administrator and as a consultant in information systems; he is currently a professor at the City College of San Francisco.

Linda offered her expertise at ASU for several years as an academic advisor. Tim, Linda, and Dan have talked to and taught numerous students, all of them with a desire to learn something about computers and applications that make their lives easier, more interesting, and more productive.

Powerful software and hardware systems are changing the way people and organizations interact in their daily life and on the Internet. This chapter introduces you to the skills and concepts you need to be prepared for this ever-changing digital world, including: Information systems—how the critical parts of technology interact.

Efficiency and effectiveness—how to maximize the use of technology. Privacy, ethics, and environment—how to integrate technology with people. Software, hardware, and data—understand the technology used in information systems. Connectivity and cloud computing—how the Internet, the web, and the wireless revolution are changing how we communicate and interact. Learning Objectives After you have read this chapter, you should be able to: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Explain the parts of an information system: people, procedures, software, hardware, data, and the Internet.

Distinguish between system software and application software. Differentiate between the three kinds of system software programs. Define and compare general-purpose, specialized, and mobile applications. Identify the four types of computers and the five types of personal computers.

Define data and describe document, worksheet, database, and presentation files. Explain computer connectivity, the wireless revolution, the Internet, cloud computing, and loT. Let me begin this chapter by giving you an overview of the book and showing you some of its special features.

This includes how to use 1 apps and application software; 2 all types of computer hardware, including mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops; and 3 the Internet. Becoming a highly efficient and effective computer user also requires a full understanding of the potential impact of technology on privacy and the environment as well as the role of personal and organizational ethics.

To effectively and efficiently use computers, you need to know the parts of an information system: people, procedures, software, hardware, data, and the Internet. You also need to understand the wireless revolution, the mobile Internet, and the web and to recognize the role of information technology in your personal and professional life.

Information Systems When you think of a personal computer, perhaps you think of just the equipment itself. That is, you think of the screen or the keyboard. Yet there is more to it than that. The way to think about a personal computer is as part of an information system. An information system has several parts: people, procedures, software, hardware, data, and the Internet. See Figure Yet this is what personal computers are all about—making people, end users like you, more productive. These procedures are typically documented in manuals written by computer specialists.

Software and hardware manufacturers provide manuals with their products. These manuals are provided in either printed or electronic form. Software is another name for a program or programs. The purpose of software is to convert data unprocessed facts into information processed facts. For example, a payroll program would instruct the computer to take the number of hours you worked in a week data and multiply it by your pay rate data to determine how much you are paid for the week information.

It includes smartphones, tablets, keyboards, mice, displays, system units, and other devices. Hardware is controlled by software. Processed data yields information. Using the previous example of a payroll program, the data number of hours worked and pay rate is processed multiplied to yield information weekly pay. This connectivity greatly expands the capability and usefulness of information systems. What is a program?


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