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Logic Pro X compressors? – Pro X compressors? –

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The Definitive Guide to Logic Pro X Stock Compressors — James Z. Productions.Logic : Compression Sessions

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The Logic compressor holds up really well and the different modes can sound much like the NI VC ones. I think the VC 76 and VC 2A do really heavy compression . Logic’s Compressor is a one-stop shop for Compression. With 7 different compressor types, sidechaining and distortion.


Logic Pro X Review: Is It Worth It? (Cons & Pros) – Interviews


There you will be able to select the editing tools you need. Logic Pro has a lot of tools for manual editing. It has everything you need to manipulate transients the way you want them. The main thing is to understand all the features and try them out. Logic Pro X has over fifty different built-in plugins. They include everything you need for both mixing and mastering : EQs , compressors , filters , effects , meters , and more. It seems that the creators of Logic decided to treat their users to the full.

The variety of mixing plugins here is impressive. The creators of Logic Pro have also prepared for you some plugins that you can use in stereo bus processing.

As we can see, the number of built-in plugins in Logic Pro is simply overwhelming. After that, they may well make their way into your working arsenal. Logic Pro X features more than 20 virtual instruments that may surprise you with their sound quality.

You can use vintage and modern synthesizers , samplers , studio horns and strings , organs , drum machines , and acoustic drums. Here are a few of the most outstanding in our opinion. It is a beautiful place to experiment with sound and find your perfect sound. The DAW market is now more developed than ever. A ton of software is available that will allow you to achieve professional results, both in your home studio and on a more commercial level.

But should you give your preference to Logic Pro? Over the years, Apple has done an incredible job providing its users with fantastic professional music software. We advise you to weigh all the pros and cons that might be crucial for you. Does your budget allow you to purchase this software?

Do you have a Mac that is not very old? If yes, then you can safely try this software for yourself. If you already have experience in DAW, learning Logic will be elementary for you. There are plenty of DAWs out there that are cheaper.

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Should Drums Be in Mono or Stereo? Kick, Snare, Clap and Percussions. Ilarion Ivanenko is a remote mixing and mastering engineer from Ukraine, a musician with more than 15 years of experience. Specializes in rock, metal, progressive and the other genres. Ilarion Ivanenko. Ableton vs. They have plenty of low frequency jumps and they are very dynamic. Good compression on metal rhythm guitars means reducing these palm mute jumps in an unnoticeable way , while retaining the punch of the palm mutes.

We would need a compressor with really fast attack and release for that. Again, all the compressors have the same settings, which are fast attack, fastest release, 4 to 1 ratio, and a hard knee if there is a knee control.

All the compressors do the same amount of gain reduction as well. This time, quite a few of the compressors sounded equally good, but the Platinum Digital still sounded the worst, with the Classic VCA sounding the second worst again.

I believe the Studio VCA sounded the cleanest, in that it colored the audio the least, while the Vintage Opto and the Vintage VCA added a subtle but nice mid-range bite to the guitar tone. The Platinum Digital and the Classic VCA, however, really struggled to keep up big time, even though I used a really fast attack and the fastest release.

Very good performance and recording. All the compressors are set to 12 milliseconds for attack, 51 milliseconds for release, 2 to 1 ratio, and a medium knee if there is a knee control. They are all doing about 5 to 7 db of gain reduction.

I did notice that some compressors changed the tone of the acoustic guitar very slightly. For this particular bass track, I have set all the compressors to 8 milliseconds for attack, milliseconds for release, 4 to 1 ratio, and medium knee if there is a knee control. All compressors do the same amount of gain reduction. To my ears, the clear winner is the Platinum Digital. It sounded the most natural, most transparent and the cleanest.

The drum bus is always my favorite thing to test compressors on. First, take a listen to the uncompressed version:. We are going to hear how these different compressors will react to the drum transients. All the compressors have 50 milliseconds for attack, fastest release, 4 to 1 ratio and a hard knee if there is a knee control, and they are all doing 4 to 6 db of gain reduction. The rest of the compressors are very close. They are all slightly different and I can see someone liking any one of these over the others.

I really like that it kind of chops off the snare transients a bit like a clipper and in a very pleasantly aggressive way, while maintaining the clarity and punch of both the snare and the kick. This really marries the snare and the kick, and it glues the whole drum kit together. One of the things mixing engineers love to do when mixing rock or metal drums is to use a compressor to smash the drum rooms, and not every compressor works well for that.

Below is the unprocessed drum room mics recording from the same performance as the one above:. As you can hear, this is a very large drum room with a really awesome room sound.

The gain reduction is about 10 to 15 db. I think we have a very clear loser here, which is the Platinum Digital. In the meantime, I think all the other 6 compressors sounded really awesome and they all have their own flavor. The Studio VCA is exceptionally clean, and handles the transients, especially the ones from the kick, really well.

My favorite would be the Vintage VCA because it clips the transients the way I like, and I like the mild distortion you get from it, but all the other compressors, except for Platinum Digital, are good options for smashing the drum room. After testing all these compressors out, I came to three conclusions. One is that, they are all really good. Whether you are a professional audio engineer or a songwriter, these compressors should be able to satisfy a lot of your needs.

Third is that, damn that Studio VCA is such a good compressor on almost everything. Good job Apple! Hopefully you now have a better understanding of these 7 compressors in Logic Pro X.

Be sure to check out my YouTube channel if you are into audio production! I publish helpful videos on audio production every single week.

Feb 4 Written By James Zhan.


– Logic pro x compressor review free


But that will depend on your desire and work habits. Or perhaps musicians did not play the tracks in time with the tempo? The Flex features have your back here and help you achieve professional results. Suppose you have two audio files that are similar in tempo but not in the same BPM. Logic will analyze the transients and help you sync both tracks to the same tempo.

This feature can be handy for creating DJ sets. Use Smart Tempo to sync your tracks. If you want to cut off parts of tracks manually, glue them together and perform other necessary manipulations, Logic also has all the essential functions. Notice the cursor icons in the center of your workspace and editing window. There you will be able to select the editing tools you need.

Logic Pro has a lot of tools for manual editing. It has everything you need to manipulate transients the way you want them. The main thing is to understand all the features and try them out.

Logic Pro X has over fifty different built-in plugins. They include everything you need for both mixing and mastering : EQs , compressors , filters , effects , meters , and more. It seems that the creators of Logic decided to treat their users to the full. The variety of mixing plugins here is impressive. The creators of Logic Pro have also prepared for you some plugins that you can use in stereo bus processing.

As we can see, the number of built-in plugins in Logic Pro is simply overwhelming. After that, they may well make their way into your working arsenal. Logic Pro X features more than 20 virtual instruments that may surprise you with their sound quality. You can use vintage and modern synthesizers , samplers , studio horns and strings , organs , drum machines , and acoustic drums. Here are a few of the most outstanding in our opinion. It is a beautiful place to experiment with sound and find your perfect sound.

The DAW market is now more developed than ever. A ton of software is available that will allow you to achieve professional results, both in your home studio and on a more commercial level. But should you give your preference to Logic Pro? Over the years, Apple has done an incredible job providing its users with fantastic professional music software. We advise you to weigh all the pros and cons that might be crucial for you.

Does your budget allow you to purchase this software? Do you have a Mac that is not very old? If yes, then you can safely try this software for yourself. If you already have experience in DAW, learning Logic will be elementary for you. There are plenty of DAWs out there that are cheaper. Are Tube Amps Worth It? Tube vs Solid-State Amps.

How often guitar necks need reset? Yes, But Is It Safe? Does a Preamp Improve Sound Quality? Do headphones get worse with age? Does Heat Damage Headphones? Can Headphones Break in Cold Weather? Can Headphones or Earphones cause Deafness or Toothache? Are Synths Worth It Anymore? Especially Synths.

Top 10 Guitar Pickups for Low Tunings Top 6 Analog Hardware Limiters Top 5 Diode-Bridge Compressor Plugins The 10 Best Convolution Reverb Plugins Top 7 Wavetable Synth Plugins Again, no prior knowledge is required about the details of those plugins.

However, the main purpose of a Compressor and its related cousins Limiter, Expander, and Gate is no to create a cool sound or effect.

This can be easily overlooked because they are listed together with all the other FX plugins in your DAW. A Compressor, with its basic functionality, is just a volume fader that is controlled by its input signal or side chain signal.

I wouldn’t consider a volume fader an effects tool. The key element of a Compressor is that its functionality is dependent on the input signal mainly the level and frequency range. However, preset settings don’t know anything about the signal that you are using it for. Maybe a preset doesn’t do anything or maybe it does something bad to your sound that an inexperienced user might not notice.

Yes, if a preset is named “Bass This leads me to the next point. As I just mentioned, you can preview presets for synth or effects without knowing anything about those devices. You hear a cool sound or effect, you like it, and you use it tweaking optional.

Using a Compressor, on the other hand, requires that you know its basic functionality. Just selecting a preset is not an excuse not to do your homework and learn what a Compressor does and how to use it. The good news, it is not rocket science, and there is plenty of educational material on the Internet.

Threshold – Ratio – Attack – Release. Once you understand that basic concept and adjust those parameters, then you are much faster with much better results than stepping through the Compressor Presets in Logic. Even better, every time you adjust a parameter and listen to what it does to that specific signal, you gain valuable experience that you can apply to your next track or project.

Just make sure you understand how the time value Attack and Release relates to the time value of the frequency of the signal. As you can see on the simplified diagram, if the frequency of a Bass signal is Hz, then one full cycle of that waveform takes 10ms. However, if the Attack time is set to less than 10ms, then the Compressor turns down the amplitude mid-cycle and, therefore, changes the waveform. That means, it create new harmonics, which is another word for distortion.

This is something to avoid, unless you want to create an effect, i. But now you would use the Compressor as an effects processor to change the sound of a signal and not only the volume and the dynamic. One cool feature of Logic’s Compressor is the various “Skins. By selecting one of those seven buttons, the look of the plugin changes to indicate that the Compressor Plugin is emulating a specific vintage Hardware Compressor.

I mentioned earlier that Compressors are not rocket science, but here, it gets a little bit deeper and requires some understanding of electronic circuitry VCA, FET, Opto and how that effects the “sound” or operation of a Compressor. Remember, “with great power comes great responsibility”.

Read up a little about that topic and use your time, experiment on how the same parameters have a different effect on different signals when using those FET, VCA, or Opto based Compressors. Time much better spent, than stepping through Compressor Presets I think. I am reluctant to label any aspect or tool used in audio production as inherently good or bad.

I have seen users creatively use relatively poorly developed tools and others hopelessly lost with the best plug-ins and hardware money can buy. I think the value of Compressor presets ultimately comes down to the user’s experience and knowledge and their willingness to invest some time learning the parameters’ functions.

For inexperienced users, the Presets Logic offers can be a trap. They believe they are using compression effectively by applying the appropriately named preset without adjusting any of the parameters to their mix elements.

At the absolute least, the threshold must be adjusted to work effectively with the incoming signal level. I have seen projects with Compressors in place with no threshold at the default 0. In addition to not even triggering the Compressor at all, I have witnessed settings with the default 1.

If you are a novice user, the presets are of no use until you understand the basics of the underlying parameters involved. Once you know the basics, the presets can be a great start, pointing you in the right direction.

Calling up a supposedly suitable preset can give you an idea of attack and release settings and which modelling to use. Of course, you have to experiment. The attack, release, and model might be way off for what your material needs. Then again, it might work wonderfully once you set the threshold and ratio to reflect your signal levels. On more than one occasion, I have pulled up one of the vocal or drum presets and been surprised at the immediate results.

It’s not that they were necessarily good; it’s more that they were not what I would have thought of as a starting point based on their intended use. Sometimes they are interesting to explore. Sometimes not. My point is that with experience, they can be interesting, if not helpful. Without an underlying understanding, they can either give you a false sense of competency or, worse, guide you down the completely wrong path. There is one context in which I find Compressor presets to be invaluable.

When mixing multiple songs with the same artist, I like saving as presets the settings that I decide to use. I sometimes save entire channel strip settings in this scenario. But custom presets are great when revisiting the same performer recorded in the same environment and mixing multiple songs with similar instrumentation. Leader of a commercial band for three decades, Eli has been demystifying and simplifying music software since Chris Vandeviver This is a tough question for me to answer.

Edgar Rothermich I don’t have a favorite Compressor Preset.


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