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In Word, the Blue color scheme uses these colors. The following steps change theme colors. What if I want to return to the original color scheme? Selecting 2 Click the Page Width button View tab Zoom group to display the page the same Nonadjacent Items width as the document window shown earlier in the module in Figure 1—7. In Word, you can use keyboard keys to select 3 Save the flyer again on the same storage location with the same file name.

This is helpful when Why should I save the flyer again? To select nonadjacent items text or graphics , select the first item, such as a word or paragraph, as usual; then, press and hold down the ctrl Selecting Text key. While holding down the ctrl key, select additional In many of the previous steps, you have selected text.

Table 1—3 summarizes the items. Table 1—3 Techniques for Selecting Text Keyboard Item to Select Touch Mouse where applicable Block of text Tap to position insertion point Click at beginning of selection, scroll to end of in text to select and then drag selection, position pointer at end of selection, hold selection handle s to select text.

Character s Tap to position insertion point Drag through character s. Graphic Tap the graphic. Click the graphic. Double-click word. You can exit Word now. To resume at a later time, run Word, open the file called Surf Flyer, and continue following the steps from this location forward. For a detailed example of exiting Word, running Word, and opening a file, refer to the Office and Windows module at the beginning of the book.

Inserting and Formatting a Picture in a Word Document With the text formatted in the flyer, the next step is to insert a digital picture in the flyer and format the picture. Flyers usually contain a graphical image s , such as a picture, to attract the attention of passersby. In the following sections, you will perform these tasks: 1. Insert a digital picture into the flyer. Reduce the size of the picture. Change the look of the picture. How do I locate a graphic file to use in a document?

If you receive a picture from a source other than yourself, do not use the file until you are certain it does not contain a virus. A virus is a computer program that can damage files and programs on your computer.

Use an antivirus program to verify that any files you use are virus free. To Center Another Paragraph In the flyer, the digital picture of a surfer should be centered on the blank line below the headline. The blank paragraph below the headline currently is left-aligned.

The following steps center this paragraph. The picture, which was taken with a digital camera, is available on the Data Files. Please contact your instructor for information about accessing Data Files. The following steps insert a picture, which, in this example, is located in the Module 01 folder in the Data Files folder. It is good practice to organize and store files in folders so that you easily can find the files at a later date.

For a from Data Files Insert button your list may differ detailed example of this procedure, refer to Steps 4a and 4b in the To Save a File in a Folder section in the Office and Windows module at Figure 1 — 47 the beginning of this book. What are the symbols around the picture?

What is the purpose of the Layout Options button? When you click the Layout Options button, Word provides options for changing how the graphic is positioned with text in the document. Picture Tools Format tab automatically appears when graphic is selected in document inserted picture automatically selected and surrounded with groups on ribbon change to show selection rectangle commands related to formatting pictures, because Picture Tools Format tab now is active tab Layout Options button automatically appears when picture is selected sizing handles picture inserted in document at location of insertion point, which was pointer sometimes has in a centered paragraph four-headed arrow beside it, when positioned in a selected graphic Figure 1 — 48 How do you know where to position a graphic on a flyer?

Often, the graphic is the center of attention and visually the largest element on a flyer. The next task is to adjust the zoom percentage. Currently, you can see only a small amount of text with the picture.

Seeing more of the document at once helps you determine the appropriate size for the picture. The following step zooms the document. Drag Zoom slider on 2. Click Zoom level button on status bar, select 3. The next step is to resize the picture so that it is smaller in the flyer. You want the graphic and all the text on the flyer to fit on a single sheet of paper.

The following steps resize a selected graphic. How can I see the height and width measurements? What if the graphic is the wrong size? What if I want to return a graphic to its original size and start again?

Enter height and width of graphic in Shape Height and Shape 2. You want the contents of the image to be enlarged a bit, while still seeing some of the text in the document. Word provides more than 25 picture styles. The flyer in this module uses a style that applies an oval shape to the picture. The following steps apply a picture style to a picture. To select a graphic, click it. Figure 1 — 54 Other Ways 1. The difference between the effects and the styles is that each effect has several options, providing you with more control over the exact look of the image.

In this flyer, the picture has a slight lime green glow effect and beveled edges. The following steps apply picture effects to the selected picture. Picture effects enable you to further customize a picture. What if I wanted to discard formatting applied to a picture? Click Format Shape Dialog Box Launcher Picture Tools Format tab on mini toolbar , click Format Object or Format Picture on shortcut Picture Styles group , click Effects button Format Picture task menu, click Effects button Format Picture task pane , select desired pane , select desired options, click Close button options, click Close button BTW Touch Screen Enhancing the Page Differences With the text and graphics entered and formatted, the next step is to look at the page The Office and Windows interfaces may vary if you as a whole and determine if it looks finished in its current state.

As you review the are using a touch screen. Do any sections of text or graphics look as if they are positioned too closely to the items above or below them? Should the contents be centered vertically? You determine that a graphical, color-coordinated border would enhance the flyer.

You also notice that the flyer would look better proportioned if it had a little more space above and below the picture. You also want to ensure that the contents are centered vertically.

The following sections make these enhancements to the flyer. The flyer in this module has a lime border. This border color complements the color of the flyer contents. The following steps add a page border. Width arrow What if I wanted to remove the border? Art arrow displays a variety of predefined artistic borders OK button Figure 1 — 59 To Zoom One Page The next steps zoom one page so that you can see the entire page on the screen at once.

In the flyer, you want to increase the spacing below the paragraph containing the headline and above the signature line. The flyer spacing will look more balanced with spacing increased above and below these paragraphs.

The following steps change the spacing above and below a paragraph. Paragraph group When you click outside of a graphic or press a key to scroll through a document, Word space increased deselects the graphic and removes the Picture Tools Format tab from the screen. That is, this insertion point tab appears only when a graphic is selected. This places the same amount of space at the top and bottom of the page.

The following steps center page contents vertically. The more common document properties are standard and automatically updated properties.

Standard properties are associated with all Microsoft Office files and include author, title, and subject. Automatically updated properties include file system properties, such as the date you create or change a file, and statistics, such as the file size. BTW If you wanted to change document properties, you would follow these steps. Printing Document Properties 1. Click File on the ribbon to open the Backstage view and then, if necessary, click To print document properties, the Info tab in the Backstage view to display the Info gallery.

If the property you wish to change is displayed in the Properties list in the right click the Print tab in the pane of the Info gallery, try to click to the right of the property. If a text box Backstage view to display the appears to the right of the property, type the text for the property in the text box Print gallery, click the first button in the Settings area and then click the Back button in the upper-left corner of the Backstage view to to display a list of options return to the Word window.

Skip the remaining steps. If the property you wish to change is not displayed in the Properties list in the in the list to specify you right pane of the Info gallery or you cannot change it in the Info gallery, click want to print the document the Properties button in the right pane to display the Properties menu and then properties instead of the click Advanced Properties on the Properties menu to display the Properties actual document, and then click the Print button in the dialog box.

If necessary, click the Summary tab Properties dialog box to display Print gallery to print the the Summary sheet, fill in the appropriate text boxes, and then click the OK document properties on the button. Why are some of the document properties in the dialog box already filled in? To Save the Document and Exit Word Although you still need to make some edits to this document, you want to exit Word and resume working on the project at a later time.

Thus, the following steps save the document and exit Word. For a detailed example of the procedure summarized below, refer to the Office and Windows module at the beginning of this book. Break Point: If you wish to take a break, this is a good place to do so. To resume at a later time, continue following the steps from this location forward. Correcting Errors and Revising a Document After creating a document, you may need to change it.

For example, the document may contain an error, or new circumstances may require you to add text to the document. Additions Additional words, sentences, or paragraphs may be required in a document. Additions occur when you omit text from a document and want to insert it later. For example, you may want to add your email address to the flyer. Deletions Sometimes, text in a document is incorrect or no longer is needed.

For example, you may discover that the lessons no longer include reef shoes. In this case, you would delete the words, reef shoes, from the flyer. Modifications If an error is made in a document or changes take place that affect the document, you might have to revise a word s in the text. For example, the phone number may change. For example, you might want to revise the document or distribute it.

Earlier Word, you can find answers in this module you saved the flyer using the file name, Surf Flyer. The following steps to questions and display information about various run Word, open this document, and specify settings. For a detailed example of the topics through Word Help.

For instructions 2 Open the document named Surf Flyer from the Recent list or use the Open dialog box about Word Help and to navigate to the location of the file and then open it in the Word window. The text to the right of the insertion point moves to the right and downward to fit the new text.

The following steps insert the word, today, to the left of the word, or, in the flyer. These steps illustrate the process of inserting text. Why did the text move to the right as I typed?

As discussed earlier in this module, you can click the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar to undo a command or action immediately — this includes typing. Word also provides other methods of correcting typing errors. To delete an incorrect character in a document, simply click next to the incorrect character and then press the backspace key to erase to the left of the insertion point, or press the delete key to erase to the right of the insertion point.

To delete a word or phrase, you first must select the word or phrase. The following steps select the word, today, which was just added in the previous steps, and then delete the selection. These steps illustrate the process of selecting a word and then deleting selected text. Right-click selected item, click 2. Select item, press backspace to delete to left of insertion point 3.

With drag-and-drop editing, you select the item to be moved, drag the selected item to the new location, and then drop, or insert, it in the new location. Another technique for moving text is the cut-and-paste technique, which is discussed in the next module. The following steps use drag-and-drop editing to move text. While proofreading the flyer, you realize that the body copy would read better if the last two bulleted paragraphs were reversed. Can I use drag-and-drop editing to move any selected item?

Yes, you can select words, sentences, phrases, and graphics and then use drag-and-drop editing to move them. What is the purpose of the Paste Options button? If you click the Paste Options button, a menu appears that allows you to change the format of the item that was moved. The next module discusses the Paste Options menu. If you are using your finger, you will need to use the cut-and-paste technique: tap to position the insertion point in the text to be moved and then drag the selection handles as necessary to select the text that you want to move; tap the selection to display the mini toolbar and then tap the Cut button on the mini toolbar to remove the text; tap to position the insertion point at the location where you want to move the text; display the Home tab and then tap the Paste button on the Home tab to place the text at the location of the insertion point.

The next module discusses this procedure in more depth. Click Cut button Home tab Clipboard 2. Right-click selected text, click Cut on mini toolbar or 3. The following steps save and print the document. For a detailed example of the procedure summarized next for saving and printing a document, refer to the Office and Windows module at the beginning of this book. Toner If you want to conserve ink 2 If requested by your instructor, print the flyer. Options tab in the Backstage Try printing the document again.

If the borders still do not print, adjust the boxes in view to display the Word Options dialog box, clicking the dialog box to a number smaller than 15 point. Then, use the Backstage view to print the document as usual.

If you are not composing a document, you can switch to Read mode, which hides the ribbon and other writing tools so that more content fits on the screen. Read mode is intended to make it easier to read a document. The following step switches from Print Layout view to Read mode. You can zoom, copy text, highlight text, search, add comments, and more. Figure 1 — 70 Other Ways 1. Options include sending the document via email; posting it on cloud storage such as OneDrive and sharing the file with others; posting it on social media, a blog, or other website; and sharing a link associated with an online location of the document.

If you want to show the document on a mock sheet of paper in the document window, along with the ribbon and other writing tools, you should switch to Print Layout view. The following step switches to Print Layout view.

Print Layout button Figure 1 — 71 Other Ways 1. Click Print Layout button View tab Views group 2. Click View on the ribbon, click Edit Document Summary In this module, you have learned how to enter text in a document, correct spelling errors as you type, format paragraphs and characters, insert and format a picture, add a page border, adjust paragraph and page spacing, and correct errors and revise a document.

What decisions will you need to make when creating your next flyer? Choose the text for the headline, body copy, and signature line — using as few words as possible to make a point. Format various elements of the text. Find an eye-catching graphic s that conveys the overall message and meaning of the flyer. Establish where to position and how to format the graphical image s so that the image grabs the attention of passersby and draws them into reading the flyer.

Determine whether the flyer needs enhancements, such as a graphical, color-coordinated border, or spacing adjustments to improve readability or overall appearance. Correct errors and revise the document as necessary. Determine the best method for distributing the document, such as printing, sending via email, or posting on the web or social media.

Please contact your instructor for information about accessing the Data Files. Instructions: Run Word. The flyer you open contains an unformatted flyer. You are to modify text, for- mat paragraphs and characters, and insert a picture in the flyer to create the flyer shown in Figure 1— Correct each spelling red wavy underline and grammar green and blue wavy underlines error by right-clicking the flagged text and then clicking the appropriate correction on the shortcut menu.

Delete the word, degree, in the sentence below the headline. Insert the word, need, between the words, or directions so that it reads: Questions or need directions? If requested by your instructor, change the phone number in the flyer to your phone number.

Center the headline and the last two paragraphs of the flyer. Select the third, fourth, and fifth paragraphs of text in the flyer and add bullets to the selected paragraphs. Change the theme colors to the Blue II color scheme. Change the case of the word, Celebrate, in the headline to uppercase letters. Change the font size of the sentence below the headline, the bulleted list, and the last line of flyer to 26 point.

Use the mini toolbar to change the font size of the sentence below the bulleted list to 18 point. Switch the last two bulleted paragraphs. Select the words, open house, in the paragraph below the headline and italicize these words. Undo this change and then redo the change. Select the text, Saturday, May 27, in the first bulleted paragraph and bold this text. Change the font color of this same text to Dark Red. Underline the word, and, in the third bulleted paragraph.

If the font color does not automatically change to a lighter color, change its color to White, Background 1. Change the zoom so that the entire page is visible in the document window. Insert the picture of the graduate centered on the blank line below the headline. The picture is called Graduation and is available on the Data Files.

Resize the picture so that it is approximately 2. Apply the Simple Frame, Black picture style to the inserted picture. Change the spacing before the first bulleted paragraph to 12 points and the spacing after the last bulleted paragraph to 24 points.

The entire flyer should fit on a single page. If it flows to two pages, resize the picture or decrease spacing before and after paragraphs until the entire flyer text fits on a single page. If requested by your instructor, enter the text, Graduation Open House, as the keywords in the document properties. Change the other document properties, as specified by your instructor. Click File on the ribbon and then click Save As. Save the document using the file name, Apply 1—1 Graduation Flyer Formatted.

Print the document. Switch to Read Mode and browse pages through the document. Switch to Print Layout view. Submit the revised document, shown in Figure 1—72, in the format specified by your instructor. Exit Word. If this flyer were announcing a victory parade instead of a graduation, which color scheme would you apply and why? You may need to use Help to complete the assignment. You will enhance the look of the flyer shown in Figure 1— Use Help to learn about the following: remove bullets, grow font, shrink font, art page borders, decorative underline s , change to picture bullets, picture border picture bullets change underline style and color shading, picture border color, shadow picture effects, and color saturation and tone.

Remove the bullet from the last remove bullet paragraph of the flyer. Figure 1 — 73 4. Add an art page border to the flyer. If the border is not in color, add color to it if the border supports color. Change the solid underline below the word, all, to a decorative underline. Change the color of the underline. Change the style of the bullets to picture bullet s. Adjust the hanging indent, if necessary, to align the text in the bulleted list.

Change the color of the picture border. Add a shadow picture effect to the picture. Change the color saturation and color tone of the picture. If requested by your instructor, change the name of the art studio Bakersfield to your last name. Save the revised document with the file name, Extend 1—1 Painting Lessons Flyer Final, and then submit it in the format specified by your instructor.

In this assignment, you changed the bullets to picture bullets. Which bullet character did you select and why? Instructions: You will use Word Online to prepare a flyer. The text for the unformatted flyer is shown in Figure 1— You will enter the text in Word Online and then use its tools to enhance the look of the flyer. Word Online file saved on running OneDrive button opens document in Word desktop app text entered Figure 1 — 74 Perform the following tasks: 1. Run a browser. Search for the text, Word Online, using a search engine.

Visit several websites to learn about Word Online. Navigate to the Office Online website. You will need to sign in to your OneDrive account. Create a new blank Word document using Word Online. Name the document Expand 1—1 Jukebox Flyer. Notice the differences between Word Online and the Word desktop app you used to create the project in this module. Enter the text in the flyer, shown in Figure 1—74, checking spelling as you type.

Insert the picture called Jukebox, which is located in the Data Files. Use the features available in Word Online, along with the concepts and techniques presented in this module, to format this flyer. Be sure to change the font and font size of text, center a paragraph s , italicize text, color text, underline text, and apply a picture style. Resize the picture. Adjust spacing above and below paragraphs as necessary. The flyer should fit on a single page. If requested by your instructor, replace the phone number in the flyer with your phone number.

Save the document again. Click the button to open the document in the Word desktop app. If necessary, sign in to your Microsoft account when prompted.

Notice how the document appears in the Word desktop app. Using either Word Online or the Word desktop app, submit the document in the format requested by your instructor. Exit Word Online. If necessary, sign out of your OneDrive account and your Microsoft account in Word. Install Instructions To start the download, click the Download button and then do one of the following, or select another language from Change Language and then click Change.

Click Run to start the installation immediately. Click Save to copy the download to your computer for installation at a later time IT professional resources IT professional working in managed environments can find complete resources for deploying Office updates in an organization on the Microsoft Office Desktop Applications TechCenter.

Follow Microsoft Facebook Twitter. There are hundreds of premade templates to choose from, or you can design your own. Adobe InDesign : This is the best option for creating professional-looking documents.

Unfortunately, there is no free version, but they do offer a free trial. InDesign has every tool you need to make your document look perfect, and it integrates seamlessly with all the other Adobe tools, such as Photoshop.

Scribus : The leading open-source desktop publishing tool on the market, Scribus is a solid free option. It also has drag-and-drop functionality, exporting files as PDFs, and it works on multiple operating systems. Instead, click the “X” at the top right of the screen. This will return you to the Start screen.

A blank publication is also a template in Publisher. However, it’s blank, which means it does not have any design elements or formatting added to it. It is just as the name states: a blank template. To open a blank publication from the Start screen, click one of the blank publication buttons, as shown below. Click the blank publication button that represents the size of the publication you need to create. Click “More Blank Page Sizes” if you need a different size.

For the purpose of this article, we’re going to click on “Blank 8. At the very top of the Publisher window, you will see the Title Bar. The Title Bar is helpful to be able to find because it shows you the name of the publication that you currently have open.

By default, the name of a new publication is Publication1. For each additional new publication that you open, the name increases by one digit: Publication2, Publication3, etc.

If you start MS Publisher by clicking on an already existing publication on your computer, it will open automatically and your publication will be displayed in the MS Publisher window. To the right of the publication name, you will see the Help button. It looks like a question mark. You will also see the standard buttons that allow you to minimize, maximize or “X” out of the window. To the far left, you will see an icon of a disc, followed by other buttons.

The disc icon, when clicked, will save your file with its current name in its current location. To the right of the disc, you have the Undo and Redo buttons. We will talk about all these things later in this article. First, let’s learn more about navigating through Publisher’s interface. When you open a publication, you see the Publisher interface. Learning how to navigate the interface will make using Publisher a lot easier.

You’ll find the Ribbon directly below the Title Bar. The Ribbon is organized into tabs, then groups, and finally tools and commands. The tabs are located at the top of the Ribbon. The name of the tab gives you a general idea as to what groups and tools you’ll find under that tab. For example, the Insert tab contains tools that allow you to insert things into your publications. Each tab is broken down into groups. The groups contain tools and commands that relate to the name of the group. The Illustrations group is highlighted below.

This group contains tools to insert illustrations into your publication. The Backstage View is located under the File tab on the ribbon. When you click on the File tab, this is what you see:.

The Backstage View allows you to manage your publication as a whole publication. While the other tabs on the Ribbon allow you to manage parts, such as illustrations, font, or page design, the Backstage View allows you to work with the publication in its entirety.

You can save the publication, open a new or existing publication, or print the publication. You can also share or export it. In addition, you can also go to the Backstage View to set your preferences for Publisher For now, click the arrow in the top left corner to return to the main Publisher window. The Page Navigator is shown by default on the left hand side of the MS Publisher screen whenever you open a publication.

The Page Navigator shows you thumbnails of all pages in your file. For example, if you had a multi-page newsletter, the Page Navigator would show you thumbnails of each page.

You can use this to easily navigate from page to page. You can click on a thumbnail to open it in the work space area. You can also right click on a page to do a variety of tasks quickly and easily.

When you right click on a page in Page Navigator, the following context menu appears:. You can insert a new page, insert a duplicate page, delete the page, move the page up or down make page 1, page 3 , rename the page, work with the page numbers, or create a Master Page.

You can also view two pages at a time. Type in the number of new pages you want to create. Then, decide if you want them to come before the current page or after. You can also choose to insert blank pages, pages with one text box on each, or duplicate all objects on a certain page number. Make sure you type in the page number. We are going to insert one blank page after our current page.

By default, it shows you what page you are viewing and how many total pages exist in your file. You can also use it to change views and zoom in or out of your publication. Let’s look at the far left corner of the Status Bar, beneath the Page Navigator. On the far left, you can see what page you currently have displayed in the work area.


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Introduction to Microsoft Publisher Day One Agenda: Introduction Templates Layout After you select the template, click on “Download” on the far right of your screen. o Tabs/Groups Tip! The ribbon is the menu that runs across the top of your screen. 7/14/ AM. Microsoft Publisher Welcome’to’Microsoft)Publisher)’In’this’class’you’will’learn’the’basics’of’Publisher.’You’will’connect’ to’online’tutorials’and’courses File Size: 1MB. The material in this book was written using Microsoft Office and was Quality Assurance tested before the publication date. As Microsoft continually updates Office and Office , your software experience may vary slightly from what is seen.



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