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Ender 3 feeder not working free.Ender 3 Pro Filament Not Feeding: Solving 3D Printer Problem

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Extruder not working. – Ender 3 V2 – Creality 3D Resource Forum

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Glad to know you. Have you tried to test the extruder manually? Disable the stepper, then manually rotate the extruder, see if the filament comes out properly. If yes, no problem with the mechanical structure of the extruder. If you can share a video of how it is going on here, that would be helpful. But usually, you can command the extruder move on the “Refuel” page if there is no extruder movement instruction on the “Move” page.

Now im going to remove the feeder from the printer, and see if it is rotating without the feeder clamp. But it can feed? So what is condition if you feed the filament by setting display. I now have only the feed engine, and as i feed by setting display, i feel the engine is rotating, but the axel is not rotating. How could you know the motor is rotating if the axel is not rotating. You can push the fiament maually, but no filament comes out if you set feed in ” Refuel” page , right?

If I put my finger on the axel, then I can feel that inside the motor somthing happends vibrations , but no rotating. If you can extrude by moving Z in menu, then the motor is ok.. Can also move the bed when extruding in menu? Motor has 2 coils, but only 1 is powered now thus not rotating.

If I held my feeder motor on the axel, and feed then, than the motor turns very very very slowly. Forum Icons: Forum contains no unread posts Forum contains unread posts. Powered by wpForo version 1. General Discussion. Ender-3 Series. Ender 3 V2. Clear all. Extruder not working. Last Post. New Member Registered. This topic was modified 1 year ago by Ava. Reply Quote. Topic Tags. Need help extruder filament.

Noble Member Registered. Set Preheat PLA. John liked. Active Member Registered. I pushed the fiament maualy, and it is comming uot of the nozle. But I cant find in the menu how I can command the extruder to drive manualy. Thanx for your reaction, I tried the refuel option, and indeed there i kan feed. If I feed there is an reaction in the axel of the feeder, bit it is not rotating.

In my display there is a cross in disable motor, and I cant remove that cross. Is there a possibillaty that this is the reason if no feeding. Please set mm feed in, the axel is still not rotating? No the axel is still not rotating. Estimable Member Registered. I did switch with the Z-stepper, and it is rotating. Back on the feeder it is just feel it is magnetic movement , but not rotating. That is for both the feeders, so I think its the software perhaps. Can I start from scratsh, fabricmode??

By feeding 10mm, it turns les than 0. All forum topics. Previous Topic. Next Topic. Related Topics. Topic Tags: Need help 2 , extruder 20 , filament 13 ,.

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Ender 3 feeder not working free


The most probable cause that brought you to this article is having a 3d printer that is currently unable to properly feed filament. The main приведу ссылку that lead to a 3d printer not feeding filament are a clog along the extrusion path, a damaged PTFE tube, incorrect retraction settings, unwanted filament tension, too high or too low extrusion temperature, a clogged nozzle or worn-out driver gear.

As is the case with most troubleshooting articles, the readings are of a reactive instead of preventive nature. To properly feed the filament, your 3D printer needs to have a clear extrusion ссылка. Any obstructions here will mess with the flow rate of the filament.

To fix this problem make sure your filament has a smooth and clear path, this means checking all the way from the filament spool to the extruder nozzle. Ideally, the filament spool should be close to the extruder ender 3 feeder not working free and the filament should be coming at a curved angle.

If your heatsink is not working properly it could lead to heat traveling outside the melting zone. This heat can damage the PTFE tube jamming the filament. Check the PTFE tube ends for any signs of deformation. If necessary, replace the PTFE tube with a higher quality one for better insulation and higher temperatures. The retraction settings let you control the length and speed at which the filament will retract into the extruder nozzle when changing the extruding location.

This is done to avoid leakings while the nozzle moves to a different spot. If you are retracting too much filament or the retraction speed is too high, the back and forth movement could grind the filament making it harder for the drive gears to keep moving it. If the filament tension between the drive gears and the spool is too high, the drive gears will need to work harder to move the filament resulting in the gears eating the filament ender 3 feeder not working free a point where it messes with the normal feed download 10 64x. If the extruding temperature is too low the filament will have a harder time going through the nozzle.

Try increasing the temperature by degrees as it will allow for easier filament flow. Always check your filament spool for the recommended melting temperatures. Too high temperatures can also be a problem, melting ender 3 feeder not working free filament before time thus jamming the system.

In some cases after a lot of work, the teeth of the drive gear can get worn out and stop properly ender 3 feeder not working free the filament. Check them to see if you need to replace them and if necessary get a new extruder hot end.

For years of good 3D printing get a high-quality hot end. Ender 3 feeder not working free you notice that filament is not going through the nozzle or that it is coming out stringy, it might be due to a partially or fully clogged nozzle.

Over the lifetime of a 3D printer, you will need to make sure to maintain a clean nozzle to ensure quality 3D prints. As your 3D printer melts the filament and pushes it through the tiny nozzle, some leftovers might get stuck there and eventually jam the system. Since this is a common issue and most probably the cause of your printer not feeding filament, we will go into further details and explain some tricks to avoid this problem in the future. If your printing temperature is too low, the filament will not melt properly thus making it harder for the drive gears to keep the filament going.

At some point, the pressure will be so high in the extruder that the drive gears will start stripping the filament and the filament left in the nozzle will solidify and become a plug. On the other hand, if your printing temperature is too high, the heat can spread out of ender 3 feeder not working free melting zone and start melting the filament before it should have. Eventually, the drive gears can not keep up and the nozzle gets clogged.

To prevent this always check the recommended temperatures for the material you are using. If there are dust or dirt particles in your filament, they will burn as the filament goes through the melting zone. These burnt particles can stick to the inside of the nozzle, alter the proper filament flow, and eventually fully clog the nozzle. This issue is difficult to address, you should try your best to keep the filament clean.

Store it in a plastic bag after the package was opened. This will cause the filament to be smeared all over the print bed as the nozzle travels. The lack of space between the nozzle and the print bed will produce retrograde extrusion. This means the filament will go back into the nozzle and the extra pressure this generates will likely cause a clog in the nozzle.

As a rule of thumb, the height should never be bigger than the nozzle diameter. A good starting point is to use a quarter of the nozzle diameter as the height. If you are using a 0. The distance between the print bed and the nozzle should be enough for the paper to be placed between them, although relatively tight.

They can present different diameters at different points, the thinner parts can be difficult for the drive gear to grab, and the thicker parts will take longer to melt. These variations in ender 3 feeder not working free melting point create an uneven and unclean flow of the filament which can lead to clogs.

You can use a caliper ender 3 feeder not working free check different spots on the filament for diameter changes if those values show big differences you should change your filament. I wrote loads of posts regarding the different filaments out there and what each one of them is generally used for, and much more. There are a few different methods that you can use to unclog the nozzle. These vary depending on how clogged the nozzle is. Try the following methods.

By now, I hope you were able to solve your issue. He will surely be able to fix your printer and let you know what caused the issue in the first place.

If you are like me, you will surely ask him a ton of questions in order to know how he solved the problem! We created a recommended products section that will allow you to remove the guesswork and reduce the time spent researching what printer, filament, or upgrades to get, since we know that this can be a very daunting task and which generally leads to a lot of confusion.

We have selected just a handful of 3D printers that we consider to be good for beginners as well as intermediates, and even experts, making the decision easier, and the filaments, as well as microsoft windows 10 1909 upgrades listed, were all tested by us and carefully selected, so you know that whichever one you choose will work as intended.

Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Table Of Contents. Common causes of 3d printer not feeding filament Causes that lead to a clogged nozzle How to unclog a nozzle Conclusion Check out our recommended products section. About The Author. Martin Mayer I instantly fell in love with 3d printing when I first heard about its existence back in One month later, I bought my first FDM printer and did not look back!

This technology never ceases to amaze me, and I always thrive to stay up to date with the newest trends in the space. The 3d printing community is like none other I’ve seen before, and writing these articles and coding somewhat по этой ссылке tools is my way to contribute at least a bit! Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Ender 3 feeder not working free email ender 3 feeder not working free will not be published.

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Ender 3 feeder not working free


It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy ender 3 feeder not working free search. I bought an Ender 3 two days ago and assembled it today. I think I did it properly, tested the movement of all axes which works for all axes.

Then I performed the calibration as described in the manual. I used a piece of paper and adjusted the bed until it barely fits underneath the nozzle for all four corners. Afterwards, I wanted to print my first model so I selected the cat from the usb stick which came with printer. And now comes my problem. I let the printer run for 15 minutes. It moved and moved and moved but there was no filament on the bed.

The nozzle and bed were heated properly. After canceling the print the extruder ender 3 feeder not working free back to the home position which is like 5 mm ender 3 feeder not working free the bed and then suddenly the filament flows out of the ender 3 feeder not working free.

The main reason was as 0scar suggested – the nozzle was too close to the build plate preventing the filament from exiting – and the back-pressure was causing the filament to jump back, giving the extruder a “shudder” as it slips on the filament. Lower your build plate candy crush soda free download pc 10 suggested by 0scar. The paper should only just drag. It is better to have the nozzle slightly too high, so the first level does not stick and gradually raise the bed up while you are running the test patterns.

Also remember that changing the front setting is going to change the back settings too because the plate will tilt. I use Cura on my Anycubic Chiron which I encountered a similar problem with and I was able to ender 3 feeder not working free the issue by preheating the nozzle to a higher temp.

I would test the nozzle and make sure it is посетить страницу properly. What I mean by that is load жмите filament manually and make sure it ender 3 feeder not working free out. Reason I say this is because the other issue you may be running into is either the nozzle is clogged or it may be too close to the bed for it to come out of the приведенная ссылка. This is all speculation but hopefully it helps.

The stepper motor turning back is retraction. It is a normals process for 3D printers. I suggest you check that the filament ender 3 feeder not working free able to extrude at all. If not, check that nozzel is unblocked. To unblock the nozzel get a thin needle and clear the hole while still hot. Unless u have a nozzel cleaning tool. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more about Teams. Brand new Ender 3 does not extrude any filament during printing Ask Question. Asked 2 years, 11 months ago.

Modified 2 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 22k times. What part of the configuration I’m missing? Improve this question. Westranger Westranger 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 4 4 bronze badges. Try lowering the build plate.

Add a comment. Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Date modified newest first Date created oldest first. Improve this answer. Steve Steve 2 2 gold badges 2 2 silver badges 7 7 bronze badges. It tourned out that the screw which fixes the threaded bar for the movement along the z-axis was not tight enougth. Afterwards I calibarted the the build plate height and now I’m almost done with my first print! That would explain it. Using the control panel, go to prep then move axis and move the nozzle up I forget перейти axis Heat the nozzel up to degrees.

Push filament through the nozzel by hand and see if it extrudes. If it is not blocked the filament may need changing. Tim Li Tim Li 1 1 silver badge 7 7 ссылка badges. I apologise. Not the answer you’re looking for? Browse other questions tagged filament creality-ender The Overflow Blog. How to make time for learning in tech sponsored post.

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