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LogicのFlex Pitchで歌のピッチ修正をする方法【音程を直す】 | DTM DRIVER!

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Logic Pro Xのピッチ修正機能「Flex Pitch」の使い方 | タダオトのブログ

Metal Amp Room Native.


Logic pro x pitch correction vs melodyne free download


As soon as you have done this, open the copy of your project. Melodyne will automatically restore the parameters found there, so there is no need to archive or copy them separately. Sometimes you may want to copy a track including its Melodyne instance and Melodyne editing — in order, for instance, to generate a second voice. Drag the audio material belonging to the original track into the new track in order to duplicate it. Just as with an effects plug-in you can store different settings as presets, in Melodyne you can save different edits.

You may wish to do this in order, for example, to allow a performer or artist to hear and choose between different edits of the same take. To save and reload Melodyne settings, follow the same procedures as for all other plug-ins. You can store alternative edits as additional presets and switch between them using the preset selector.

You can allow the Melodyne instance s to remain active until the final mixdown. If you do this, you will retain access to your Melodyne editing and will be able to make further refinements until the very last moment. This is convenient, but as long as the plug-in remains active it is draining the resources of your system. This will deprive you of further access to your Melodyne editing but allow you to deactivate the plug-in and thereby free up resources.

To bounce the track containing Melodyne in Logic Pro and make your editing permanent, proceed as follows:. Deactivate the effects you do not wish the new track to contain by ALT-clicking on the corresponding plug-ins. The EQ and compression, for example, are things you will also wish to adjust on the new track, so these should not be included. Automation is a similar case: decide whether it should be included in the transfer or whether you would prefer to copy the existing automation to the new track later, in order to retain access to it there.

In that case, deactivate the automation in the left-hand track area of the edit window or in the mixer prior to the bounce.

You can also deactivate automation when bouncing tracks see below. Select one or several regions. Now enter a name followed by the audio resolution parameters. Since Logic will automatically create a new track for the bounced material, you can decide now what you wish to do with the original track. Once the bounce has been performed, to copy the automation data to the newly created track hold down the SHIFT key as you drag a selection within the automation data.

Now all that remains is to reactivate the automation in the channel. To copy the plug-ins from the original track to the newly created one, drag them from the former to the latter, holding down the ALT key as you do so. All that remains is to decide what to do with the original Melodyne tracks. You can either delete or else mute them, deactivating with the ALT key their Melodyne instances in order to spare resources. If you adopt the latter course, you will retain access to your original Melodyne editing and be able to make further refinements later simply by reactivating the tracks.

And historically I always felt Logic was a bit more elegant than most when it came to presentation. So when Flex Pitch hit the scene, I couldn’t contain my excitement! The thought of never having to transfer vocal tracks was music to my ears. Not to mention accidentally hitting Command-Z when the last thing you did was open the Melodyne plugin But alas, Flex Pitch’s debut was, for lack of a better word — disappointing.

Much of Flex Pitch was spot on though:. Unfortunately, none of that was worth much since Flex Pitch mangled audio signals. Upon Flexing, vocals were subjected to all sorts of digital artifacts:. I couldn’t help but wonder why Logic shipped with Flex Pitch when it was so clearly not ready for prime-time. But once I got a taste, I couldn’t stop dreaming of a Flex-driven world to replace Melodyne.

So with each new Logic update, I’d immediately load up a vocal take to test-drive Flex Pitch. Waiting for Flex Pitch’s erroneous behavior to get sorted At the time of this writing, I’m firmly entrenched in So I’d like to distill down my favorite parts about Flex Pitch, and why you should consider relying on it as well:.

I don’t think I can overstate this enough. Long gone are the days of transferring audio from Logic into the Melodyne plugin one track at a time. And how not fun is it having to remember to set paths for transfers? The MIDI capabilities alone are second to none in Logic and the ability to compose music in all styles makes it the best of the best.

Another huge plus is the constant and free updates Apple provides… updates that are really upgrades in the quality and number of plug-ins and soft instruments built into the program. Composing music or just recording a band is easy with this software. Whether you are into acoustic, jazz, electronica or rock, this software package is the best there is and gets updated constantly by Apple.

Apple takes this software very seriously and I commend them for their excellence. Version However, it does have on issue now with Flex Pitch and Flex Tim. Total disaster when only trying to use Flex Pitch and not edit the time. When you turn off Flex and Follow, all of your time and pitch corrections disappear.

I just want to use flex. Nothing can fix this. I have been looking in Apple Forums and trying to find a solution for about a week now. The artifacts that now happen when using flex are so bad the audio almost becomes unusable.


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