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This practical resource provides a series of Inventor® exercises covering several topics, including:sketchespart models Autodesk AutoCAD and Inventor. As of today we have 79,, eBooks for you to download for free. Inventor for Designers is a comprehensive textbook that introduces the users to.

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While some features and types of objects are not available in all products, drawing files can be shared between products and might contain objects or involve features from other products. Commands associated with definitions are shown in parentheses at the end of the definition. In the reality capture feature, intensity is one type of point attribute contained in the raw scan file which is the reflectance of each point from laser return.

In the rendering feature, intensity specifies the brightness of a light. The number of candelas cd is the SI unit of luminous intensity perceived power emitted by a light source in a particular direction. MESH absolute coordinates Coordinate values measured relative to the coordinate system’s origin point 0,0,0.

See also origin, relative coordinates, user coordinate system UCS , world coordinates, and world coordinate system WCS. Some commercial color book files contain encrypted data to protect proprietary settings. Action bar A toolbar-like interface that displays the actions associated with a parameter object. Action macro files have the file extension. Action tree A control used to display the recorded actions in an action macro. See also anti-aliasing. Add-ins are created by third party developers and can be accessed either for free or at a small cost from the App tab in Autodesk Exchange web page.

Affine calibration requires three calibration points to allow a tablet transformation that combines translation, independent X and Y scaling, rotation, and some skewing. Use affine calibration if a paper drawing or map has been stretched differently in the horizontal or vertical direction. You define aliases in a product-specific. The dimension line is parallel to the line connecting the dimension’s definition points.

A bit truecolor file contains three channels of color information: red, green, and blue, or RGB. Each channel of a truecolor bitmap file is defined by 8 bits, providing levels of intensity. The intensity of each channel determines the color of the pixel in the image. Thus, an RGB file is bit with levels each of red, green, and blue. By adding a fourth, alpha channel, the file can specify the transparency, or opacity, of each of the pixels. An alpha value of 0 is transparent, an alpha value of is opaque, and values in between are semi-transparent.

An RGBA file red, green, blue, alpha is bit, with the extra 8 bits of alpha providing levels of transparency. Ambient color is the color of an object where it is in shadow. Ambient light has no single source or direction and does not diminish in intensity over distance. See also parameter constraint and dynamic constraint.

When you create annotative objects, they are scaled based on the current annotation scale setting and automatically displayed in a view at the correct size. This property automates the process of scaling annotations in layout viewports and in model space. Annotative objects are defined at a paper height. See also aliasing. Application menu The Windows-based menu that is displayed when you click the Application button in the upper-left corner of the application window.

The application menu contains common tools for creating, saving, and publishing a file. See also fit points and interpolation points. Multiple copies of selected objects in a rectangular or polar radial pattern.

ARRAY 2. A collection of data items, each identified by a subscript or key, arranged so a computer can examine the collection and retrieve data with the key.

BHATCH associative surfaces Associative surfaces automatically adjust their location and shape when the geometric objects associated with them are modified. Attribute values can be predefined, or they can be specified when the block is inserted. Attribute data can be extracted from a drawing and saved to a text file.

The contents and format are determined by the attribute extraction template file. See also attribute extraction template file. See also attribute extraction file. See also attribute definition, attribute tag, and attribute value. See also attribute definition, attribute prompt, and attribute value. See also attribute definition, attribute prompt, and attribute tag. AutoCAD A free, web-based mobile and desktop app that is useful for viewing, editing, and sharing drawings with colleagues, consultants, and clients in remote locations.

Autodesk A A cloud-based platform that gives you access to storage, a collaboration workspace, and cloud services to help you design, visualize, simulate, and share your work with others anytime and anywhere.

Autodesk A folder A folder on your local computer that stores files and folders to be synchronized with Autodesk A Open this folder by clicking its icon on your desktop or in the Windows notification area also called the system tray. Autodesk Account Subscription members can access the latest releases of Autodesk software, incremental product enhancements, and additional services.

Individual characters can have descenders that drop below the baseline. See also baseline dimension. Also called parallel dimensions.

See also baseline. In the context of editing grips, the grip that changes to a solid color when selected to specify the focus of the subsequent editing operation. A point for relative distance and angle when copying, moving, and rotating objects. The insertion base point of the current drawing. BASE 4. The insertion base point for a block definition. Bezier curve A polynomial curve defined by a set of control points, representing an equation of an order one less than the number of points being considered.

A Bezier curve is a special case of a B-spline curve. See also B-spline curve. Labels are displayed on each wheel wedge and they are larger than the size of the cursor. In color graphics, a different value represents each red, green, and blue component of a pixel. Commonly used for either block definition or block reference. A dynamic block definition usually contains at least one action that is associated with a parameter. Used in the Block Editor to create dynamic blocks.

See also dynamic constraint and annotational constraint. See also block and block reference. Sometimes called the block symbol table or block table. See also named object. Replacement for lookup properties in the future. Also called an instance. Bounded areas are used to create objects such as hatches.

B-spline curve A blended piecewise polynomial curve passing near a given set of control points. This only applies to surfaces that have G1 or G2 continuity. Each button on the pointing device except the pick button can be defined in the customization file, which is acad.

Callout blocks have many industry-specific terms, such as reference tags, detail keys, detail markers, and so on. See also label block.

A camera has a location XYZ coordinate, a target XYZ coordinate, and a field of view or lens length, which determines the magnification or zoom factor. An adjacent cell selection can be surrounded with a cell boundary. When set to Yes, a change in an action that contains the parameter in the action’s selection set triggers any actions associated with that parameter, just as if you had edited the parameter in the block reference through a grip or custom property.

The xref that creates the circular condition is ignored. Because it has a vertex that is tangent to the object, if the curve is reshaped, it may create kinks. See also periodic curve. Because it has a vertex that is tangent to the object, if the surface is reshaped, it may create kinks.

See also periodic surface. CMYK For cyan, magenta, yellow, and key color. A system of defining colors by specifying the percentages of cyan, magenta, yellow, and the key color, which is typically black. Color bleed scale Increases or decreases the saturation of the reflected color from the material. A single column is one cell in width. A form of parametric design.

Rules that govern the position, slope, tangency, dimensions, and relationships among objects in a geometry. For example, selecting a hatch or table, or starting the MTEXT command displays a corresponding contextual ribbon.

Also called chain dimension. Continuity is defined as G0 position , G1 tangency , and G2 curvature. G0 Position – The curves or surfaces join in the same location position only ; they touch. But the tangency and curvature do not match.


Autodesk AutoCAD and Inventor Tutorial by Tutorial Books – Ebook | Scribd


Freezing layers shortens regenerating time. G0, G1, G2 continuity See continuity. These include color, layer, linetype, linetype scale, plot style, lineweight, transparency, hyperlink, and thickness. Generic surfaces cannot be associative and they are created when associative analytic surfaces are separated or by using the BREP command.

The geographic marker is used as a reference point for all geographic location data in a drawing file. Examples include coincident, collinear, concentric, equal, fix, horizontal, parallel, perpendicular, tangent, and vertical constraints. They are displayed when you select a 3D object.

As light hits a colored object in the model, photons bounce to adjacent objects and tint them with the color of the original object. Gooch shading A type of shading that uses a transition from cool to warm colors rather than from dark to light.

The grid spacing is adjustable. The grid is never plotted. GRID See also grid limits. Also called drawing limits. After selecting the grip, you can edit the object by clicking or right-clicking the grip instead of entering commands.

The ground plane displays with a color gradient between the ground horizon nearest to the horizon and the ground origin opposite the horizon. See also sky and underground. An interface for developing peripheral device drivers for Autodesk products on Windows.

Home view A view that is saved with the drawing and is controlled with the ViewCube tool. The Home view is similar in concept to the default, initial view presented when a drawing is first opened. Illuminance In photometry, illuminance is the total luminous flux incident on a surface per unit area.

See also template drawing. When the parameter values in a dynamic block reference match a row of input property values, the corresponding lookup property values in that table row are assigned to the block reference. See also approximation points and fit points. Islands may be detected as part of the process of creating hatches, polylines, and regions.

They show the shape of the surface as defined by the control vertices. AutoCAD uses the term isolines. KML or keyhole mapping language [reality capture] In the reality capture feature, an XML grammar and file format for modeling and storing geographic features such as points, lines, images, polygons, and models for display in Google Earth, Google Maps, and other applications.

Labels contain data, such as a title, view number, and scale, that is associated with the referenced view. See also callout block. A landing can either be a straight line or a spline curve. You can view layers individually or in combination.

A layer index is used to locate what portion of the drawing is read when you partially open a drawing. Saving a layer index with a drawing also enhances performance when you work with external references.

These standards include layer names and layer properties. Also called layer mappings. Multiple layouts can be created for each drawing. The greater the lens length, the narrower the field of view. Higher levels result in more faces and increased smoothness. For example, a continuous line has a different linetype than a dashed line.

Also called line font. When data is linked, any changes to it in the source document are automatically updated in any destination document. See also embed. LL84 coordinate system Common latitude longitudinal-based coordinate system where latitude and longitude are both measured from to 90 degrees. Longitude begins at 0 degrees at the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, England and is measured from to Latitude is 0 degrees at the equator and is measured from to The cross sections define the profile shape of the resulting solid or surface.

LOFT lookup property In a dynamic block definition, a lookup parameter that you add to a lookup table. The lookup parameter label is used as the property name. Assigns property values to the dynamic block reference based on how the block is manipulated in a drawing.

The fixture may be a simple can or a complex armature with constrained joints. It is a measure of how bright or dark that we perceive the surface. The total luminous flux for a lamp is the perceived power emitted in all directions. The acad. You can choose whether the map type is aerial, road, survey, etc. The map data cannot be saved within the drawing file.

Mesh can be smoothed to achieve a more rounded appearance and creased to introduce ridges. No labels are displayed on any of the wedges and they are often the size of the cursor.

Typically, a geometric model is created in model space. A layout of specific views and annotations of this model is displayed on a layout in paper space. A path can be a line, arc, elliptical arc, circle, polyline, 3D polyline, or spline. My Location indicator An indicator in model space that shows your current location in GPS-enabled systems.

Named objects include linetypes, layers, dimension styles, text styles, block definitions, layouts, views, and viewport configurations. Named objects are stored in definition symbol tables. VIEW navigation bar Navigation tools that are common across multiple Autodesk products that run on the Windows operating system. See also associative dimension and exploded dimension. The direction of the normal indicates the front, or outer surface of the face. A B-spline curve or surface defined by a series of weighted control points and one or more knot vectors.

See also procedural surface and generic surface. Formerly called entity. ObjectARX Runtime Extensions A compiled-language programming environment that runs under the Windows operating system used for developing product-specific applications and extensions.

See also custom object and proxy object. Object Snap mode A method for specifying commonly needed point locations on an object when you create or edit objects.

With object snaps, you can specify the precise location of the center of a selected circle, or the intersection of two curves. See also running object snap and object snap override. See also Object Snap mode and running object snap. OLE For object linking and embedding. An information-sharing method available in the Windows operating system in which data from a source document can be linked to or embedded in a destination document. Selecting the data in the destination document opens the source application so that the data can be edited.

See also embed and link. For example, the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system is where the X , Y , and Z axes meet at 0,0,0. Ortho mode A setting that limits pointing device input to horizontal or vertical directions relative to the current snap angle and user coordinate system.

See also snap angle and user coordinate system UCS. These settings can be modified and applied to other layouts. Dockable windows include the command line, status bar, Properties palette, and so on.

PAN See also zoom. Paper space is used for creating a finished layout for printing or plotting, in contrast to drafting or designing. You design your model using the Model tab.

Under Windows, you can load and unload partial CUI files as you need them during a drawing session. PC2 file The complete plotter configuration file.

PC2 files contain all plot settings and device-specific settings that were saved in previous versions of AutoCAD-based products that run on the Windows operating system.

PC3 file Partial plotter configuration file. PC3 files contain plot settings information such as the device driver and model, the output port to which the device is connected, and various device-specific settings, but do not include any custom plotter calibration or custom paper size information.

PCP files contain basic plot specifications and pen parameters that were saved in previous versions. Plot settings that are stored in a PCP file include pen assignments, plotting units, paper size, plot rotation, plot origin, scale factor, and pen optimization level.

See also PC2 file and PC3 file. The performance tuner examines your graphics card and 3D display driver and decides whether to use software or hardware implementation for features that support both.

Because its control vertices are not tangent to the object, if the curve is reshaped, it stays smooth and does not create kinks. See also clamp curve. Because its control vertices are not tangent to the object, if the surface is reshaped, it stays smooth and does not create kinks. See also clamp surface. Objects appear smaller when the distance from the observer at the view point to the view center increases.

Although a perspective view appears realistic, it does not preserve the shapes of objects. Parallel lines seemingly converge in the view. Physically correct lights attenuate as the square of the distance. Photometry is the science of measurement of visible light in terms of its perceived brightness.

When it calculates indirect illumination, the renderer traces photons emitted from a light. The photon is traced through the model, being reflected or transmitted by objects, until it strikes a diffuse surface. When it strikes a surface, the photon is stored in the photon map. For example, on a two-button mouse, it is the left button by default.

See also pre-selection set. PLAN playback The process of executing the actions stored in a previously recorded action macro. Plot styles are applied at plot time. Plot styles are defined in plot style tables and apply to objects only when the plot style table is attached to a layout or viewport. The file containing custom plotter calibration and custom paper size information associated with plotter configuration file. A location in 3D space specified by X , Y , and Z coordinate values.

An object consisting of a single coordinate location. POINT point cloud A large collection of points placed in model space that create a 3D representation of objects, geographic features, or areas. It occurs during the indexing of the scan files in Autodesk ReCap.

AutoCAD recognizes planar and cylindrical segments when object snapping to the point cloud or when extracting geometry from the point cloud. See also crosshairs. See also polar tracking. See also Polar Snap. Although you can continue to create polygonal and polyface mesh for example, by setting MESHTYPE to 0 , the newer, more flexible mesh type is recommended.

See also crossing selection and window selection. Also called pline. By default, a polysolid always has a rectangular profile. You can specify the height and width of the profile.

You can create primitive 3D solids and meshes. These include marble and wood. Also called template materials. Procedural surfaces are the only type of surface that can be associative. This term is associated with the model documentation feature. See also custom object and object enabler.

On the ribbon, pins keep panels expanded. In the application menu, pins keep an item in the list of recently viewed items. PWT A template file format used to publish drawings to the Web. Quick View A tool to preview and switch between open drawings and layouts in a drawing.

Quick View image A thumbnail image of a drawing, layout or model space that is displayed using Quick View. Ray tracing traces the path of rays sampled from the light source. Shadows appear where rays have been blocked by objects. Ray-traced shadows have sharp edges. Reflections and refractions generated this way are physically accurate. You can also refine specified mesh faces without resetting the baseline level of smoothness for the object.

Also called specular color. You can create regions from objects that form closed loops. They area commonly created in order to apply hatching and shading, and to extrude in 3D.

After the geometry is edited, the constraints are either removed or retained based on whether the constraint is still valid for the edited geometry. When you click this grip, a drop-down list of the lookup values for that lookup property column in the lookup table is displayed. When you select a value from the list, the corresponding input property values are assigned to the block reference. Depending on how the block was defined, this usually results in a change in the block reference’s geometry.

RGB For red, green, and blue. A system of defining colors by specifying percentages of red, green, and blue. Multiple ribbon panels, belonging to one workflow, are grouped together under a ribbon tab. A ribbon tab contains groups of multiple ribbon panels, each belonging to one workflow. A ribbon panel contains buttons and controls, related to a task. A low roughness value simulates a shiny object metals, some plastics. A single row is one cell in height.

Typically, one endpoint of the rubber-band line is attached to a point in your drawing, and the other endpoint is attached to the moving cursor. It provides a “best guess” color for each rendered pixel. The renderer first samples the scene color at locations within the pixel or along the pixel’s edge, then uses a filter to combine the samples into a single pixel color.

For example, if an annotative object such as a label supports two annotation scales, it has two separate scale representations in two views displayed at two different scales. Script files are created outside the program using a text editor, saved in text format, and stored in an external file with the file extension. In a dynamic block definition, the geometry associated with an action. Shadow maps don’t show the color cast by transparent or translucent objects.

In contrast to ray-traced shadows, shadow maps have softer edges, and take less calculation time at the expense of accuracy. See also sheet set. A sheet list table can be generated automatically with the Sheet Set Manager.

The function keys F1, F2, and so on are also shortcut keys. On the Mac, Command-S saves a file. The function keys Fn-F1, Fn-F2, and so on are also shortcut keys. The shortcut menu and the options it provides depend on the pointer location and other conditions, such as whether an object is selected or a command is in progress.

For programs that run under the Windows operating system, shortcut menus are now called context menus. They are also sometimes called right-click menus. A shot can contain a static thumbnail of the saved view or camera motion that can be played back as an animation.

ShowMotion User interface element where you can access named views shots that are stored in the current drawing. The named views shots are organized by sequences and can contain movements. The sky displays with a color gradient between the sky horizon nearest to the horizon and the sky zenith opposite the horizon. See also ground plane. A slide-out panel contains additional tools and controls.

Objects with higher levels of smoothness have more faces, or tessellations. The snap grid does not necessarily correspond to the visible grid, which is controlled separately by GRID. SNAP snap resolution The spacing between points of the snap grid. A spatial index is used to locate what portion of the drawing is read when you partially open a drawing. Saving a spatial index with a drawing also enhances performance when working with external references.

See also intensity. This curve, called a spline-fit polyline, passes through the first and last control points unless the original polyline was closed.

Start In folder The drive and folder path from where the product was started, which is determined either by the Start In attribute of the desktop shortcut icon, or by the folder in which a file is double-clicked. Contains plot styles and their characteristics. As a mesh object is smoothed, the number of subdivisions increases. See also view category. The surface indication leader SIL is used to point to surfaces or faces rather than the edges of components.

Symbols are inserted in drawings as blocks. TABLE table break The point at the bottom of a table row where the table will be split into a supplementary table fragment. A table style contains at least 3 cell styles. When this happens, the tab list button appears. The files are deleted by the time you end the session. If the session ends abnormally, such as during a power outage, temporary files might be left on your disk drive. See also extended command history. TILEMODE A system variable that controls whether viewports can be created as movable, resizable objects, called layout viewports , or as nonoverlapping display elements that appear side-by-side, called model viewports.

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